Retail sales fall for third straight month

Jul 16, 2012
Americans spent less on cars, computers and other retail items in June, held back by concerns about job stability and the global economy.

Economists share unofficial economic indicators

Jul 6, 2012
What baristas and tailors and over-educated sandwich-makers tell us about the economy.
A man shops for suits in New York City.
Spencer Platt/Getty Images

January retail sales lower than expected

Feb 14, 2012
The government said this morning that retail sales inched up 0.4 percent last month. That was lower than expected.

Fighting the holiday-shopping hangover

Feb 14, 2012
According to the Census Bureau, retail sales growth in January was about half what was expected.

The 'muddle through' economy

Jan 12, 2012
After all the talk of booming holiday retail sales, December's numbers were up by just a tenth of a point.

Recovery in sight for U.S. shopping malls

Jan 9, 2012
A sign the nation's economic health may be continuing to improve -- the real estate data company Reis reported today vacancies at shopping centers were down at the end of 2011. It's the first time that's happened in four years.

Shopping mall vacancies slowly declining

Jan 9, 2012
Vacancies at malls were down at the end of 2011, in part because new construction has stalled.

For public good, not for profit.

Sears, Kmart to close stores after disappointing sales

Dec 27, 2011
Following dismal holiday sales in a year that was strong for other retailers, Sears and Kmart will shut down over 100 stores.

PODCAST: Six months of rising sales, raising a glass of bubbly

Dec 13, 2011
The Federal Reserve officials meet today to discuss the slow domestic recovery, the ongoing crisis in Europe, and a plan for better communication surrounding its actions. In Russia, billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov announced he will run for president against Vladimir Putin in next spring's elections. Wall Street types can expect smaller bonuses this year, but many are thankful to just have a job.
Black Friday sales helped bolster the retail numbers, which went up for the sixth month in a row.
Chris Franz/Getty Images

Americans spending more on cars, clothing and furniture

Dec 13, 2011
American consumer spending is up, but shoppers are more conscious this time around -- and Black Friday might have been the high point of spending for a while.