President Obama travels east, still pledging a 'pivot'

Apr 21, 2014
The President will visit East Asia this week – stopping in Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines and South Korea.

How to make a White House Summit more than a photo op

Apr 16, 2014
The White House hosts summits on everything from healthy foods to diversity in technology. But what's the real utility of these gatherings?

You can be the President, I'd rather be the Pope

Mar 27, 2014
The widening gap between rich and poor is decried by both the president and Pope

The value of an Obama commencement speech

Mar 21, 2014
The president will deliver the commencement address at UC Irvine

President Obama makes the rounds stumping for ACA

Mar 20, 2014
President Obama has popped up in some unlikely places this month.

Where President Obama "shops"

Feb 18, 2014
The President announced ambitious new EPA targets today -- at a Safeway.

'Grand bargain' or no, corporations come out ahead, right?

Jul 30, 2013
Proposed cut in corporate tax rate could cost multinationals more, domestic companies less.

For public good, not for profit.

Who is the 'middle class' anyway?

Jul 24, 2013
We took at a look at the workers who make the median wage, and it's not who you'd think.

Obama's middle class: How have things changed?

Jul 22, 2013
President Obama returns to Knox College in Illinois to revive his push for economic growth.
SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images

House Republicans attempt to repeal Obamacare ... for the 37th time

May 16, 2013
Republicans in the House are expected to hold a vote today to repeal President Obama's health care initiative. It will be their 37th vote on the issue.