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The Internet is not big enough for political ads

Oct 13, 2014
Whoever said 'there’s plenty of room for everyone on the Internet' was wrong.

Political ads keep community papers afloat

Aug 22, 2014
National and local politicians still use print ads to reach specific voting blocs.

Pandora uses data on your musical taste to lure political advertisers

Feb 14, 2014
You like Bob Marley, because: a) You’re a pot-smoking liberal. B) You’re a libertarian. C) You had a great time in Jamaica during college
Singer Lady Gaga performs onstage. According to data, her audience was probably full of Democrats.
Kevin Winter/Getty Images

Super PACs: A good return on investment?

Nov 7, 2012
Much of the estimated $6 billion in campaign spending this election came from Super PACs who raised millions and then funneled that money into races. Did it pay off?

Local advertisers long to reclaim airwaves

Nov 5, 2012
Shut out for months by political commercials, businesses face more pain when they can resume local TV ads: High rates due to pent-up demand.

Candidates launch final ad spending push

Oct 16, 2012
In a record breaking year for political advertisements, Governor Romney and President Obama are still racking up dollars in the final months of their campaigns to compete for paid advertisements.

Super PAC app tells you if political ads are lying

Aug 23, 2012
Ever wished for some sort of lie detector for the campaign trail? Enter the Super PAC app.
Screenshots from the Super PAC app.
Super PAC app

For public good, not for profit.

Online political ads: Effective or creepy?

Jul 24, 2012
A study out today says voters find targeted, online political ads creepy and 86 percent didn't want political ads to be tailored to their interests.

How TV news and ads affect Americans

Jul 12, 2012
Frank Newport, editor-in-chief at Gallup, explains how much Americans trust television news, and whether are really impacted by political ads they see on TV.

Political ads message the holidays

May 25, 2012
Memorial Day, Labor Day, Fourth of July -- yes, those holidays are now becoming fodder for election ads.