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Pfizer to spin off animal pharmaceuticals

Jan 2, 2013
Demand for animal drugs is rising amongst pet owners and livestock and poultry farmers.

What happens (or doesn't) when Spot outlives you

Sep 14, 2012
To keep pets out of shelters after owners die, the ASPCA is urging people to plan ahead. Identify a new guardian. Collect medical records. And yes, if you can afford it, put Splash in your will.

Drug companies cash in on curing animals

Sep 3, 2012
Animal health care is the fastest growing sector of health care. Medicine for the pets we love and the livestock we eat is a more than $4 billion business for the pharmaceutical company Pfizer.

The mobile Internet economy

May 31, 2012
The troubled Facebook IPO is casting a pall over high tech (wrongly, I think). The signal moment for the emergence of an even larger digital economy wasn't Facebook. It was Apple's iPad. It's the visible symbol of the rapid embrace of wireless data -- video, images, content, data and communication -- throughout the global economy. A safe forecast: The mobile Internet will transform personal finance.

The hard decision

Feb 17, 2012
One of the toughest decisions a pet owner has to make is how and when to end an animal's life. Tess talks with pet owners and a vet about balancing the cost of life and death.
Tess Vigeland's dogs: Ronan, left, and Kiara.
Tess Vigeland/Marketplace

Putting a price on your pet's health

Feb 17, 2012
The price of looking after your pet is rising as far and fast as the cost of human healthcare. Gregory Warner reports on why we are willing to pay so much for our animals.

The cost of being 'Best in Show'

Feb 17, 2012
New York hosted the Westminster Dog Show this week. Tess talked with dog owners to find out just how much it costs to put your pooch on parade at the most prestigious award show in America.
Pilar Kuhn and her Scottish terrier Garrison
Tess Vigeland

For public good, not for profit.

The Westminster Dog Show and the pet economy

Feb 14, 2012
Does the best breed at the Westminster dog show impact the broader pet economy in America?

Mid-day Extra: Spending is unleashed on pets

Nov 2, 2011
In a time of belt-tightening, why are Americans spending more on their pets?

Question: Is dog food deductible?

Apr 11, 2011
All this week I'll be answering last-minute tax questions as part of Marketplace Money's special report on tax season. The first one comes from...