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Welcome to New York! Marketplace Tech moves to NYC

Sep 17, 2012
In this first episode with new host David Brancaccio, we take a tour of our new digs in New York City for a look at the areas booming tech scene

New York seeks to refashion pay phones

Jul 12, 2012
As people stop using pay phones, New York launches plan to convert the booths into Wi-Fi hotspots. Watch out for sidewalk gridlock.
As people stop using pay phones, New York launches plan to convert the booths into Wi-Fi hotspots.
New York City Department of Transportation

A roundup of the 'micro' news

Jul 10, 2012
Small apartments and even smaller CEO tenures make for a "micro" news day.

What Mayor Bloomberg should ban next

Jun 5, 2012
Writers at the web magazine Brokelyn say banning Big Gulps isn't enough.

Mayor Bloomberg seeks ban on sugary beverage sales

May 31, 2012
The mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg, says he plans to propose a municipal ban on sales of large-size sugary beverages at restaurants, delis and movie theaters.

How a New York ban on sugary drinks may affect business

May 31, 2012
New York Mayor Bloomberg wants to ban larger-sized soft drinks for health reasons. But a lot of businesses aren't really happy with that plan.

New York's tech industry booms

May 10, 2012
New York is now the second most important U.S. tech hub after Silicon valley, based on startups and job growth, new study says.

For public good, not for profit.

One World Trade Center to recapture the N.Y. skyline

Apr 30, 2012
One World Trade Center, under construction, could surpass the height of Empire State Building Monday, reclaiming skyline honors. Is downtown Manhattan back?

From the richest to poorest in New York City

Apr 24, 2012
The poorest and richest Congressional districts in the United States are merely miles apart in New York City.

New York voices on the U.S. economy

Apr 23, 2012
The New York primary is Tuesday, the presidential election is this fall. What do New Yorkers want?