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A new moon race is underway

And this it's private companies that are racing to get to the moon first.
Along with NASA, there are a bunch of organizations that want to send stuff to the moon. And now there are companies willing to take things there.
Matt Cardy/Getty Images

The new moon mission

Nov 27, 2019
This week in Spain, European research ministers are discussing how to allocate as much as $14 billion over three years to the European Space Agency.
Matt Cardy/Getty Images

Astronaut Chris Hadfield on living above the sky

Apr 30, 2015
A Canadian astronaut talks about singing in space and the future of living away from Earth.

Want faster internet connection? Go to the moon.

May 29, 2014
Scientists from NASA and MIT have developed a way to create a wi-fi hotspot on the moon.
So it's made out of cheese AND is a wi-fi hot spot?
David DeHetre / Creative Commons

Marketing the moon

Apr 14, 2014
How a marketing campaign helped the U.S. win the space race.

NASA will go to Mars, but not before 'putting a baggie' on an asteroid

Dec 9, 2013
Before NASA goes to Mars, it will first return to the Moon and capture an asteroid.

For public good, not for profit.

NASA footage shows meteor crashing into moon

May 21, 2013
Things crashing into the moon -- that's how the third Transformers movie starts right? Sorry Michael Bay, when it comes to explosions, we'd rather watch the NASA source footage.

NASA's GRAIL mission, and the National Intelligence Council's predictions for the year 2030

Dec 17, 2012
Two spacecraft will crash into the moon today at the end of their orbiting mission to map the celestial body, and the National Intelligence Council has made predictions about our bionic lifestyle in 20 years.

Company looks to return people to the moon

Dec 6, 2012
The Golden Spike Company sees business opportunities in going back to the moon.