How summer festivals boost town economies and foster community pride

Jun 16, 2017
Festivals generate revenue for local businesses, but they help build a sense of community as well
Crowds gather at a film festival in Telluride, Colorado.
David McNew/Getty Images

Educators in Navajo high school see coding as one way to end brain drain

Jun 5, 2017
In its first year, the computer class is becoming one of the campus' most popular offerings.
Students in computer science class at Shiprock High School are diving into concepts like basic HTML and CSS.
Carrie Jung

Cuban tobacco farmers involved in cigar production face tough times

Jun 2, 2017
Poor weather conditions and economic factors contribute to tobacco farming woes.
Workers at a Havana factory meticulously roll tobacco leaves into cigars. Supervisors measure and weigh each cigar to make sure it meets the high standards Cuban cigars are known for.
Anurima Bhargava

My Economy: Working as a CFO — chief family officer

Jun 1, 2017
Sherri Messer loves being a stay-at-home mom, but she's nervous about what comes next.

Are doctors and patients ready for home health monitoring?

Jun 1, 2017
There's lots of optimism as manufacturers crank out medical devices, but no one knows if the approach will save money.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Refugee agencies in the U.S. are feeling strained

May 31, 2017
With the number of refugees allowed to enter the country in flux, those who help them are feeling financial pressures and anxiety.
Scott Eisen/Getty Images

Which states spend more on high-poverty schools? The Urban Institute takes a look

May 31, 2017
Education policy experts generally agree that it costs more to teach kids living in poverty. They come into school at a disadvantage, often need support services and it’s harder to attract good teachers to high-poverty schools. The Urban Institute is out with new data Wednesday looking at which states spend more money on those schools. […]

For public good, not for profit.

In Erie, Pennsylvania, a refugee family dreams of college and worries how to pay for it

May 30, 2017
'It's like heaven inside,' junior Megha Ghimirey says of her American high school.
Megha Ghimirey, 17, with her sister Niti, 8. Megha is wrapping up her junior year at Northwest Pennsylvania Collegiate Academy.
Amy Scott/Marketplace

Is the craft movement making service jobs hip?

May 25, 2017
These are 'serious pursuits' of young urbanites, the 'Masters of Craft' author says. But will the careers last?
"I found across all these occupations is this renewed attention to detail," says Richard Ocejo, an associate professor of sociology at John Jay University and the The City University of New York. "They really reinvigorated them with this sense of meaning, this sense of craft,"
Adam Berry/Getty Images

For students in the foster care system, college can be an elusive goal

May 24, 2017
According to a study of foster youth, around 58 percent graduate from high school by the time they’re 19, compared to about 86 percent of the general population.
Ashley Williams studies for law school finals at her kitchen table in Los Angeles.  She graduated from Southwestern Law School in May.
Libby Denkmann/Marketplace