The war in Ukraine is pushing bread prices higher in the Middle East. That could lead to unrest.

Mar 28, 2022
High bread prices have helped topple governments in the region.
Egyptian men work in a bakery at a market in Cairo on March 17, 2022. Russia's invasion of Ukraine has caused wheat prices to soar — necessary for bread, an important food staple in the Middle East.
Khaled Desouki/AFP via Getty Images

What happened to Lebanon's economy?

Sep 16, 2021
​The country was once a financial, cultural and economic hub in the Middle East. It is now mired in a deepening economic crisis.
An aerial view of the damaged grain silos at the port of Beirut on Aug. 4, the first anniversary of the blast that ravaged the city.
AFP via Getty Images

Refugees bring in big business in Europe

The mass migration has created unlikely opportunities.
Syrian refugees and migrants walk along a highway on Tuesday on their way to the border between Turkey and Greece in the northwestern Turkish city of Edirne. 

Refugee crisis is bad in Europe, but worse elsewhere

Sep 11, 2015
Most of Syria's 4 million registered refugees are in Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon.

The cost of misery: migrants in Europe

Sep 9, 2015
Accepting refugees isn't much of an economic threat.

Lebanon copes with garbage crisis and sustainability

Jul 28, 2015
After a stinking week, disposal resumes in Beirut, but will the solution last?

For public good, not for profit.

Saudi Arabia pledges $3bn to help Lebanon fight Hezbollah

Dec 30, 2013
Saudi Arabia has made a $3 billion pledge to help Lebanon buy arms to counteract the role of Hezbollah.