Russian election interference is more widespread than thought, Bloomberg reports

Jun 13, 2017
While they didn't 'pull the trigger,' Russian hackers hit systems in 39 states.
Sean Rayford/Getty Images

Chipotle's data breach affects customers nationwide

May 29, 2017
The stolen data can be used to clone credit cards.
Online orders account for almost a fifth of sales at Chipotle. Above, the restaurant's workers fill orders.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Ransomware: Should businesses pay up?

May 16, 2017
Hackers are holding up businesses for ransom. To pay or not to pay? That is the question.
An IT researchers shows on a giant screen a computer infected by a ransomware.

Hackers may 'WannaCry' when trying to cash in on the worldwide cyberattack

May 15, 2017
The global cyberattack known as WannaCry continued to spread today, with 300,000 computers infected in 150 countries. The attack involves so-called ransomware, which basically holds the important files of victims hostage and then demands payment to unlock them. In this case, payment is the virtual currency bitcoin. Given to the scale of the attack, it […]

Starbucks app is popular and still vulnerable to fraud

May 8, 2017
Is the time savings worth the risk?
"I think at this point, it's really not worth the risk in order for me to pay for my coffee with my mobile phone," said Venessa Wong, deputy business editor at Buzzfeed News.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

The former Mormon who created a hacktivist website

Apr 28, 2017
Ryan McKnight believed his church needed greater transparency.
“Our goal is to promote transparency within the Mormon Church,” said Ryan McKnight, creator of MormonLeaks, a website where users post information anonymously about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Above, a line of people wait outside the Provo City Center Temple.
George Frey/Getty Images

Alexandra Elbakyan's Sci-Hub is 'hacktivism on a grand scale'

Apr 28, 2017
Should we be able to access academic articles without paywalls?
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

How hacktivism intersects with the law

Apr 28, 2017
Activists are using technology, sometimes illegally, to promote social and political change. What kind of legal backlash do they face?
A demonstrator, and supporter of the group Anonymous, rests during a protest against corrupt governments and corporations in front of the White House in Washington, D.C.
Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images

Founder of hacker group LulzSec explains the chaos of hacktivism

Apr 28, 2017
“Did I help the cause or did I hurt the cause?” asks Hector Monsegur, otherwise known by his hacker handle Sabu.
“When you're using hacking to disrupt a government without an understanding of all the consequences, that's when I start to feel like there's a lot more chaos than sense,” said Hector Monsegur, founder of the hacker group LulzSec and a director at Rhino Security.
Patrick Lux/Getty Images

Is ‘hacktivism’ a force for good … or chaos?

Apr 28, 2017
Hackers are 'the best parts of science and information sharing,' research scientist Chester Wisniewski told us. It's part of our special series.
“I am a proudly a hacker, and I get very irritated when hacker is used as a pejorative or to mean criminal activity, because I think hackerism represents our best,” Chester Wisniewski says.