Schools struggle with lunch budgets

Sep 3, 2008
The economy is taking a bite out of school lunches. School districts are getting fewer tax dollars and want lunch programs to support themselves. Steve Henn reports on the choices they face.

Retailers ready for evacuees' return

Sep 3, 2008
Big grocery store chains, like Albertsons, had been stocking up for weeks to prepare for the return of evacuees from hurricane Gustav. Mitchell Hartman has the story.

Economic health report due

Sep 3, 2008
The government today will release its monthly report on factory orders for non-durable goods -- things like clothing, food and gas. Nancy Marshall Genzer reports on what the numbers are expected to show.

The state of the American worker

Sep 1, 2008
Labor Day has become a time for end-of-summer sales and barbecues, but it really is intended as a way of honoring workers. With that in mind, Nancy Marshall Genzer looks at how the American worker is doing.

A festival to celebrate 'slow food'

Aug 29, 2008
In this fast-food obsessed country, one group of foodies holds huge festivals to celebrate dinner in the slow lane. Krissy Clark gets details from one of the organizers.

A trial by fire for veggie burger maker

Aug 27, 2008
When Marie Osmunson received a huge order for her vegetarian burgers from one of the Northwest's most popular fast-food chains, she had a problem: How to deal with success. Mitchell Hartman reports.

Eating locally not necessarily better

Aug 27, 2008
The environmental impact of food production has been a big story over the past year. But commentator Will Wilkinson says making sure you eat local doesn't do as much to improve your carbon foodprint as the way food is produced.

For public good, not for profit.

Latino markets growing in the U.S.

Aug 26, 2008
The Latino food and beverage market in the U.S. is expected to grow to $8.4 billion in the next three years. Dan Grech reports how Latino grocery chains are assimilating with mainstream supermarket culture.

Colleges dropping food trays

Aug 25, 2008
Several hundred colleges have either stopped using trays in their cafeterias or plan to soon, according to an Associated Press report. By serving...

Teen finds sushi fraud using DNA tests

Aug 22, 2008
Recent high school grad Kate Stoeckle and her friend Louisa Strauss made headlines by finding something fishy on their sushi plates. Kai Ryssdal talks to the Manhattan teen.