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Estimating costs and benefits of the auto bailout

Dec 30, 2014
The auto bailout cost taxpayers $9 billion. Was it worth it? Mostly.

Which government agencies get cursed at the most?

Dec 4, 2014
The website Regulations.gov breaks it down.

An argument for a federal robotics commission

Oct 13, 2014
Robotics and A.I. are challenging to govern. Should we leave it to the experts?

The cost of travel, according to the federal government

Aug 18, 2014
Some hotels set their rates based on the federal standard.

$10.10: Just a nice even number?

Jan 28, 2014
Why did President Obama choose $10.10 as the new minimum wage for federal contractors? And, wait, which federal workers are paid minimum wage?

The many metaphors used to describe the government's failure

Oct 11, 2013
So many metaphors have been used to describe the government shutdown. Do they help at all?

For public good, not for profit.

The problem with taking default out for a spin

Oct 9, 2013
A cadre of so-called "debt-limit deniers" says it’s no big deal if the U.S. fails to raise its borrowing limit.

Comparing the federal budget to the household budget

Sep 27, 2013
Whenever debates over the budget rage in Washington, leaders can't help but say the government should balance their budget as well as a household. But that analogy might not always hold water.

380 ways to make the government more efficient (Video)

May 15, 2013
A Senate committee on governmental affairs looks at 380 ways “to make Washington more efficient.” What’s likely to be the fate of this cost-cutting initiative?