The Trump Administration’s options around tariffs and quotas

Feb 26, 2018
The Trump Administration is trying to figure out how to act on a campaign promise to make trade with China more fair. One thing the administration is considering is imposing tariffs or quotas on imports of steel and aluminum. The justification? National security. Here’s a look at the theory behind that connection, and the administration’s […]

U.S. automakers help Mexican auto export surge in 2017

Jan 10, 2018
The number of vehicles imported to the United States from Mexico reached an all-time high last year. Mexico’s auto industry exported 2.3 million vehicles, which is nearly a 10 percent increase from the year before. Click the audio player above to hear the full story. 

Mexico’s buoyant exports prompt cheer and fear

May 11, 2017
Mexico’s auto exports to the U.S. are up this year. And with the Trump administration talking tough on trade deficits and the need to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement, that could be a problem for our neighbor to the south.   Click the audio player above to hear the full story.

Trump-Xi summit could spell good news for U.S. beef

Apr 11, 2017
American ranchers are anxious to export to the growing Chinese middle class.
Sarah Glenn/Getty Images for Texas Motor Speedway

China slows GMO crop exports from U.S.

Apr 5, 2017
Regulators in China are slowing the pace of approving genetically modified crop varieties grown by U.S. producers. Those are crops engineered to resist things like bugs and weedkillers. China is the largest export market for genetically modified soybeans from the U.S, and folks with ties to U.S. agriculture are worried the slower pace of approvals […]

What would a trade war between China and the U.S. look like?

Mar 15, 2017
President Donald Trump has promised to take a tough line with China over bilateral trade. Now word comes that Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said at China’s National People’s Congress that China does not want a trade war, but that if it did happen, the U.S. could be hurt. Neither the U.S. nor China has taken […]

US trade deficit jumps to 5-year high of $48.5 billion

Mar 7, 2017
American exporters have struggled over the past couple of years because of a rising dollar.
The trade deficit jumped 9.6 percent to $48.5 billion last month, driven by a surge of imported mobile phones, oil and foreign cars.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Trump's travel ban worries international students

Feb 8, 2017
There's real value for Americans in importing students from abroad.
A view of New York University School of Law's Vanderbilt Hall. 

Tyson reports earnings as ag industry watches broilers, Trump threats

Feb 6, 2017
The nation’s top broiler chicken producer, Tyson Foods, reports earnings today. Analysts will be eyeing whether Tyson executives express worries about export markets. President Donald Trump has, in recent weeks, taken a combative stance toward some key trading partners, like Mexico. He continues to threaten to build a wall and has had sharp words about […]
A crane is reflected in a puddle as containers are unloaded.