Cornwall's fishermen face up to post-Brexit realities

Nov 16, 2017
People working out of Britain's largest fishing port wonder what lies ahead.
“There are more foreign boats working in our waters than U.K. boats at the moment,” says Dave Stevens, skipper of the Crystal Sea trawler.
Stephen Beard/Marketplace

Brexit: Let's call the whole thing off?

Nov 2, 2017
As economic fears mount, some Brits wonder if the decision to leave the European Union can be reversed.
Protesters demonstrate against the referendum to quit the EU outside the Houses of Parliament on June 28, 2016, in London.
Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images

EU cracks down on tax avoidance by multinationals

Oct 4, 2017
Two giant American corporations got some bad news from the European Union today. Amazon was ordered to repay several hundred million dollars in back taxes. And the EU  stepped up its campaign to extract billions in allegedly unpaid tax from Apple. Click the audio player above to hear the full story.

UK markets fluctuate days before election

Jun 2, 2017
On June 8,  the U.K. goes to the polls, again. This “snap” election is set against the backdrop of last year’s referendum on Britain’s membership to the European Union.  Following the “yes” vote on Brexit, then-Prime Minister, David Cameron stepped down.  Now his successor Theresa May is hoping to shore up her position as the […]

France’s president-elect faces tough challenges

May 8, 2017
Emmanuel Macron won handily in France’s presidential election at the weekend, securing two-thirds of the vote. Next month, he faces an even more daunting election challenge — winning a majority in the parliamentary elections. Without control of Parliament, he will struggle to deliver the wide-ranging economic reforms he’s promised. It won’t just be the French […]

Macron ahead as France prepares to choose a president

May 5, 2017
The centrist, pro-European Union candidate has a strong lead in the polls.
French presidential election candidate for the Front National (FN) party, Marine Le Pen (L) and French presidential election candidate for the En Marche ! movement, Emmanuel Macron pose prior to the start of a televised debate.

French voters increasingly question globalization

Apr 21, 2017
As electors go to the polls, a far-right candidate is urging protectionism and 'economic patriotism.'
Far-right supporters attend a presidential campaign rally by National Front leader Marine Le Pen at the Dome De Marseille on Wednesday.
Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Brexit triggers mixed emotions in London's financial center

Mar 29, 2017
Britain begins its long goodbye from the bloc today.
British Prime Minister Theresa May addressed the Houses of Parliament today, triggering Article 50 and the process that takes Britain out of the European Union.
Carl Court/Getty Images

What's next for Brexit?

Mar 15, 2017
The optimistic view: Britain and the European Union realize they need each other.
When the United Kingdom exits the European Union, large companies will first need to work out their relationships with the single market, says Kamal Ahmed of the BBC.

Immigration is front and center in Netherlands election

Mar 14, 2017
Dutch candidate Geert Wilders wants to close mosques, ban the Koran and leave the EU.
Geert Wilders, leader of the Dutch PVV political party, speaks at a conference of European right-wing parties on January 21, 2017 in Koblenz, Germany.
Sean Gallup/Getty Images