Stories Tagged as
Communities of color
Highways isolate urban communities nationwide. $3 billion from Washington aims to fix that.
Mar 15, 2024
The grants are an attempt to correct decisions made decades ago.
How could additional capital for banks in communities of color help local businesses?
Leoneda Inge
Apr 7, 2022
The Treasury Department provided $9 billion to lenders in underserved communities, allowing them to expand and support entrepreneurs.
Census undercount of Black, brown communities could ripple through economy
Matt Levin
Apr 6, 2022
The bureau thinks it missed 3% of African Americans, 5% of Hispanics and 6% of Alaska Natives and Native Americans living on reservations.
An hour from the nation's capital, a different infrastructure debate
May 7, 2021
In a rural community within 40 miles of Washington, dozens of families live without potable running water.
A Baltimore program tries to help unmarried couples with children build more stable relationships
Amy Scott
Dec 12, 2017
There's a marriage divide in the US that's leaving many working-class and poor kids "doubly disadvantaged," a researcher says.