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Short term wins could spell long term losses in fiscal debate

Dec 17, 2012
The process of pushing through those Bush tax cuts 12 years ago might seem like ancient history, but some say we could stand to go back in time and learn from it.

'Cliff' fix should include triggers

Nov 14, 2012
Commentator Robert Reich says we should hold tax increases and spending cuts until economy improves.

Will taxing the wealthy really work?

Nov 12, 2012
It depends on the definition of wealthy. But however wealth is measured, increasing their taxes won't solve the whole budget problem.

The fiscal cliff explained (with help from Hollywood)

Sep 28, 2012
You've heard warnings about the economic disaster that could happen if Congress fails to avoid a fiscal cliff. But what is the fiscal cliff anyway? Sr. Producer Paddy Hirsch enlists the support of his friends Thelma and Louise in this three-minute explanation.
You've heard warnings about the economic disaster that could happen if Congress fails to avoid a fiscal cliff. But what is the fiscal cliff anyway? Sr. Producer Paddy Hirsch enlists the support of his friends Thelma and Louise in this three-minute explanation.

Preparing for a trip to the fiscal cliff

Aug 6, 2012
Lawmakers have left Washington for the August recess without taking action on the so-called fiscal cliff. Businesses and investors are trying to prepare as best they can, but what can the rest of us do?

What Americans think about taxing the rich

Jul 12, 2012
President Obama is calling for renewing the Bush tax cuts, except for those making $250,000 a year and more. Gallup's Frank Newport on what people think about that proposal.

Tax cuts, candidate wealth: What matters to voters?

Jul 12, 2012
The Presidential race this week can be summed up in a few words: Outsourcing, wealth, taxes, and jobs. How are American voters responding the latest week's news?

For public good, not for profit.

How to avoid the 'fiscal cliff'

May 30, 2012
Commentator Robert Reich says lawmakers need to apply the brakes on automatic spending cuts and tax increases set to go into effect at the end of the year or the U.S. may face a new recession.

Should Washington act to prevent a 'fiscal cliff'?

May 23, 2012
The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office released a study yesterday warning of a U.S. recession if lawmakers let the Bush-era tax cuts expire and enact a round of automatic spending cuts -- allowing for a 'fiscal cliff.'

Congressional gridlock could be good

Nov 29, 2011
If Congress doesn't do much this year, lets automatic cuts of $1.2 trillion kick in and the Bush tax cuts expire, that cuts $5 trillion from the deficit within a decade.