What happens when a state has $15 billion worth of unpaid bills?

Jun 29, 2017
Decisions about who gets paid are 'life and death,' says the Illinois comptroller.
The former Illinois state capitol building in Springfield.
Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images

What's the difference between the national debt and the deficit?

Jun 22, 2017
Both are hugely important to President Trump and congressional Republicans' priorities, but they need a lot of context.
Director of the Office of Management and Budget Mick Mulvaney testifies during a House Budget Committee hearing concerning the Trump administration's fiscal year 2018 budget, on Capitol Hill, May 24, 2017 in Washington, DC.
Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Congress has fewer people helping them than they used to

Jun 19, 2017
Rank-and-file House members have smaller staffs and fewer experts to turn to.
"Ordinary lawmakers are pressed for time, and often they find themselves out of their depth no matter how smart they are or how experienced they are," says Max Ehrenfreund, a Washington Post writer.
Zach Gibson/Getty Images

The do's and don'ts of saving money

Jun 9, 2017
Also, how can you plan for your dream home?
Furlong/Getty Images

What if the social safety net isn't safe anymore?

Jun 2, 2017
Food banks and other organizations are coming up with contingency plans in case funding is cut from the federal budget.
Volunteers sort food at the West Side Campaign Against Hunger food pantry in New York City.
Spencer Platt/Getty Images

The value of cooking at home isn't all about money

Jun 2, 2017
And it's not that hard, either.
Beer-steamed mussels with chorizo.
Photo by Chelsea Kyle, food styling by Joanna Keohane

Illinois already had the worst credit rating of any state, and it just got lower

Jun 1, 2017
Illinois’ credit rating is now just short of junk. That’s the news after a downgrade from S&P Global Ratings. The agency cited Illinois’ budget stalemate and its $14.5 billion in unpaid bills. It will take more revenue and more cuts to make any progress, but the state’s regular legislative session just ended — with no […]

For public good, not for profit.

The administration has based its budget on 3 percent GDP. What happens if we don’t get there?

May 25, 2017
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin faced his second day of grilling on Capitol Hill today, this time appearing before the Senate Finance Committee to discuss his boss’s proposed budget for next year. Baked into that budget is the assumption that the U.S. economy will start growing at 3 percent or higher by the year 2021, which […]

3 things you may have missed about Trump's budget

May 25, 2017
A look at how the education system could be impacted and how Trump's voter base might react.
 Copies of President Trump's fiscal year 2018 budget are stacked at the Government Publishing Office in Washington, D.C.
Mark Wilson/Getty Images

Entrenched stumbling blocks loom over next budget negotiations

May 1, 2017
Congressional negotiators have reached a $1 trillion deal to fund the government through September. If approved by both chambers before Friday, the deal would avoid a government shutdown. But short-term budgets and stopgap measures are inefficient and wasteful tools for running a government. Beyond the dissent over what gets funded and what’s on the chopping […]