Obama chooses between cigarettes, soda and booze

Apr 10, 2013
In his budget, the president chose to tax one sin more than others.

A budget reality check

Mar 12, 2013
Republican Rep. Paul Ryan wants to balance the federal budget within 10 years, largely through scrapping Obamacare and remaking Medicaid and Medicare. Like all budgets, the plan is based on assumptions, namely that a balanced budget in such a short time is a good thing and that economic growth will outpace the growth in government spending.

Who are these budget-cutters, Simpson and Bowles?

Feb 19, 2013
Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles, with their second plan for cutting the deficit, get attention because their proposals fall in the middle between political extremes.

Just how would the 'sequester' affect you?

Feb 7, 2013
For one thing, 63,000 kids would get booted from Head Start.

What good is the federal budget anyway?

Jan 23, 2013
Congress hasn't always had a hand in crafting federal spending plans.

Obama uses campaign machine to push agenda

Jan 21, 2013
President Obama will use a deep campaign database and volunteer network in a new nonprofit. Some are concerned because it can take corporate money.

Government job cuts hurt wealthy, middle class and poor

Jan 18, 2013
Wealthy, poor and in-between residents tell us how shrinking government would affect their personal finances

For public good, not for profit.

Advice on feeding a family of four with just $50

Oct 26, 2012
It is possible to eat healthy, filling food for a relatively small amount of money. A recipe taster from Cooking Light Magazine tells us how to do it.
It is possible to eat healthy, filling food for a relatively small amount of money. A recipe taster from Cooking Light Magazine tells us how to do it.
Mychele Daniau/AFP/Getty Images

France unveils strict measures to fix budget

Sep 28, 2012
The French government has just unveiled a budget for next year that includes major tax hikes for the rich and for businesses. France is the second largest economy in the euro zone and so far it has managed to remain a leader in the debt crisis, rather than a victim -- for the most part anyway.

Paul Ryan's deficit plan could learn from UK

Sep 4, 2012
GOP vice-presidential candidate Paul Ryan wants to slash the deficit through major spending cuts. A similar plan is already being carried out in the UK.