Student protestors have a long history of demanding financial divestment

Apr 30, 2024
In the '70s and '80s, college students demanded divestment as a way to put pressure on South Africa to end its apartheid policy.
Pro-Palestinian students and demonstrators barricade themselves at Columbia University's Hamilton Hall  on Tuesday.
Alex Kent/Getty Images

South Africans disappointed by growing inequality

May 7, 2014
A tale of two economies living in the same country.

Mandela ended political apartheid in South Africa, but economic apartheid continues

Dec 6, 2013
South Africa is one of the most unequal countries in the world in terms of income distribution, and the differences often fall along racial lines.

How divestment helped stop apartheid in South Africa

Dec 6, 2013
In 1982, the University of Maine became one of the first 10 universities in the country to completely divest from South Africa.

Nelson Mandela's legacy is economic, too

Dec 5, 2013
One legacy of Mandela's fight against apartheid is activism in the U.S. against inequities in the global economy.