From taxes to the drug trade, how the Taliban paid its way

Aug 16, 2021
The Taliban has taxed everything from government projects to international trade.
An Afghan opium poppy farmer at work in 2011. While the Taliban receives income from taxing opium, most of its recent income has come from taxes on legal goods.
Bay Ismoyo/AFP via Getty Images

After Afghanistan, a Marine and a combat photographer "reconnect through writing"

Aug 25, 2017
In "Shooting Ghosts," T.J. Brennan and Finbarr O'Reilly talk about the friendship that helped them rebuild their lives after war.
Finbarr O'Reilly, left,  and T.J. Brennan at OP Kunjak, a tiny hilltop outpost in Afghanistan.
Finbarr O’Reilly/REUTERS

Costs of Afghanistan recommitment are hard to quantify

Aug 22, 2017
President Trump has unveiled his new policy for Afghanistan. The president outlined the new plan in a prime-time address Monday night and said he will authorize a small increase in the number of U.S. troops deployed there. The Pentagon will determine the specific numbers. The president didn’t set any timetable or deadlines for getting those […]

Afghanistan: What’s the plan for the economy?

Aug 21, 2017
President Trump will outline his plans for Afghanistan in a national address tonight. The U.S. has poured billions into Afghanistan since 2001. So why is the country’s economy in such bad shape? Click the audio player above to hear the full story.

Afghanistan increases opium production

Jun 29, 2015
Taliban threatens farmers, who also grow the crop for their own economic survival.

The murky world of military aid

Aug 12, 2014
The U.S. is helping get weapons to Kurdish forces. But who's paying for them?

Erik Prince: Blackwater founder on the 'business of war'

Nov 18, 2013
Founder and former CEO of Blackwater, Erik Prince says "I'm done keeping quiet" about the War on Terror.

For public good, not for profit.

Boom times for opium cultivation in Afghanistan

Nov 13, 2013
516,000 acres in Afghanistan are dedicated to growing opium poppies.

Iraq: Who watched the watchers?

Sep 30, 2013
The office established as the temporary oversight agency for Iraq reconstruction will cease operations.

Why wasteful spending and war seem to go hand in hand

Jul 16, 2013
A Senate committee takes up the issue of war-time contracting, looking at the huge amounts of waste and fraud during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.