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Obama to visit upper-middle-class black L.A.

Jun 6, 2012
Neighbors say they are more economically vulnerable than white counterparts.

Trade certificates help men more than women

Jun 6, 2012
A study says women earn certificates in lower-paid fields and are less likely to add a college degree.

The magic small political donation number

Jun 5, 2012
Why do the Obama and Romney campaigns both set $3 as the entry-level donation?

50 million Americans living in poverty

Jun 1, 2012
Sixteen percent of the U.S. population lives at or below the poverty line. Author Peter Edelman thinks that's unacceptable.
A man named R.J. eats a free meal at the St. Anthony Foundation dining room in San Francisco.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

A kinder, gentler Carlyle Group?

May 30, 2012
The private equity firm reaches out, especially to Montana environmentalists.

Gov. Jerry Brown: We're going to cut and hopefully tax

May 24, 2012
California Gov. Jerry Brown talks about his plan to balance the state's budget. Currently, California is facing a deficit of close to $16 billion.

Economic mobility tracked state by state

May 10, 2012
Moving up is more likely in some states; education levels may make a difference.

For public good, not for profit.

What's in a hoodie?

May 9, 2012
The hooded sweatshirt has become a charged symbol, depending on who wears it and where.

How Occupy could affect this election year... and beyond

May 2, 2012
Protesters were out in force in several cities yesterday, demanding an end to income inequality. Many of the rallies were allied with the Occupy movement and therefore, there weren't a lot of politicians involved. Even those political leaders who agree with Occupy demonstrators have kept an arms length so far.

Staying put in South L.A.

Apr 27, 2012
Some middle-class blacks have left the area, but Bernadette Moore still lives and works there.