U.S. could utilize rule to stop high-tech exports to Russia

Jan 25, 2022
Russia relies on technology imported from the rest of the world, especially the U.S., Europe, Korea and Japan.
Alexander Aksakov/Getty Images

What does an interest rate hike mean for you?

Dec 16, 2015
Nela Richardson and Felix Salmon answer listener questions about interest rates

Yes, U.S. oil exports would cut gas prices. Probably.

Oct 22, 2014
It's hard to know where prices will be a year from now

Is the U.S. ready to become an oil exporter?

Dec 12, 2013
Exxon and other oil companies say, “Heck, yes.”

U.S. trade feels little love from Russia

Aug 7, 2013
President Barack Obama canceled his Moscow summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin.