Pros and cons of another Fed stimulus plan

Aug 26, 2011
Experts on either side of the fence await word from Ben Bernanke in Jackson Hole today. At stake? The potential for more monetary stimulus, which could bolster the economy but may hurt in the long run.

The world awaiting Bernanke's speech

Aug 26, 2011
U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke delivers a speech on economic policy this morning in Jackson Hole. We speak to BBC reporter Andrew Walker about why investors across Europe can't wait to hear it.

Concerns over falling prices may shift Fed policy

Aug 25, 2011
If Fed chair Ben Bernanke announces a lending and spending program in Wyoming on Friday, it would mean he is concerned about deflation, or falling prices on things like food and consumer goods.

Looking to Bernanke for an economic fix

Aug 25, 2011
Markets seeks assurance from Fed chief at Friday conference.

Markets await words from Fed's Bernanke

Aug 22, 2011
A year after the Federal Reserve chairman primed stocks with plans to buy up bonds, investors await a key speech for signs of another big move

Federal Reserve made billions in secret loans

Aug 22, 2011
Reports show that during the height of the housing crisis in the U.S., the Federal Reserve made as much as a trillion dollars off secret loans made to banks.

Fed investigates health of European banks

Aug 18, 2011
Regulators at the Federal Reserve are pushing to make sure the U.S. arms of European banks are keeping enough money in their vaults in case of a new crisis.

For public good, not for profit.

Explainer: What did the Federal Reserve promise?

Aug 10, 2011
The central bank says it will 'keep interest rates at nearly zero until 2013.' But some wonder if we can take that promise 'to the bank.'

Fed announcement implies economic slow growth until 2013

Aug 10, 2011
Interest rates for banks that borrow from the Fed will remain near zero percent for the next two years. But keeping rates that low for that long is unprecedented and making such a bold statement carries risk.

Fed to hold rates steady for two years

Aug 9, 2011
The Federal Reserve said the economy is still suffering, and took the unprecedented step of saying it will hold rates at nearly zero until the middle of 2013