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The president's options, without Congressional help

Jan 28, 2014
The president has the power to affect wages even without any help from the House or Senate.

Why would you hire the long-term unemployed? Why not?

Jan 27, 2014
We expect the President to ask companies to pledge to hire the unemployed. But some hiring managers see a potential risk in hiring someone who's been out of work for a long time.
Career Coach Susan Bishop reviews a job seeker's resume and interview skills during a job fair in Washington, DC. 
Paul J. Richards/Getty Images

The economy + Valentine's Day = True love?

Feb 15, 2013
On Thursday, American Airlines and US Airways officially announced their long-rumored merger. And Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway said it made a match with Ketchup giant Heinz, in a deal worth billions.

A Presidential step toward cybersecurity

Feb 14, 2013
President Obama's executive order for increased sharing between government agencies and large infrastructure companies endeavors to help bypass Congress in a fast-moving Internet attack.

U.S.-EU trade deal faces cultural hurdles

Feb 13, 2013
The trade deal between the U.S. and the European Union mentioned in President Obama's State of the Union speech could be profitable for both parties. It may be hard to achieve because of differences in outlook.

State of the Union 2013 sounds a bit like State of the Union 2012

Feb 13, 2013
See if you can tell which piece of tape was from President Obama's State of the Union this year, and which one was from last year.

David Leonhardt on making tough decisions to fix the economy

Feb 13, 2013
The New York Times Washington bureau chief talks about the choices we have to make with respect to our debt and the national deficit.

For public good, not for profit.

What the minimum wage means at work

Feb 13, 2013
President Obama proposed a minimum wage increase to help the lowest-paid workers. Opponents say businesses will just eliminate jobs. We go to a restaurant to talk to an employee and employer.

Infrastructure should have its own budget

Feb 13, 2013
Spending on infrastructure and education can help fuel future growth.

The State of the Union for education

Feb 13, 2013
What are President Obama's plans for universal pre-school access, high-school funding, and higher education?