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Long-shot candidates reap benefits after race

Jul 21, 2015
Running for president can be rewarding even if you finish at the back of the pack.

The merch tells the mood

Jun 1, 2015
Constrained or confident? Campaign T-shirts and onsies can say a lot about that.

Writing your way to the White House

May 14, 2015
The campaign book has become a rite of passage for presidential hopefuls.

The downside to being a 'CEO candidate'

May 4, 2015
We look at the political peril that comes with a business record.

The bookstore primaries

Apr 23, 2015
Candidates release books around election season to frame coverage, not make money.

One pair of Rand Paul flip flops, please

Apr 7, 2015
The candidate's shop is up and running. Plus, the demographics of the IRS.

For public good, not for profit.

Romney hosts mega donors at Utah retreat

Jun 22, 2012
More than 100 of presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney's top donors will join him this weekend, a sign that big-money donors -- not the small donors that propelled Barack Obama to victory in 2008 -- may be the difference-makers in this election.

Past presidential elections through campaign posters

May 21, 2012
Ralph Eubanks, director of publishing for the Library of Congress, talks about the new book, "Presidential Campaign Posters," and what has and hasn't changed about campaigning throughout the years.

GOP Economy: Michele Bachmann's economic plan

Nov 28, 2011
Michele Bachmann calls the proposals in her 11-point "American Jobs, Right Now” economic plan “simple” and says she’ll turn the economy around in one quarter.