Global economic recovery eats through oil glut

Apr 20, 2018
This morning President Donald Trump turned his ire on OPEC: “OPEC is at it again,” he tweeted. “Oil prices are artificially Very High!” Sure, it’s convenient to blame someone for high gas prices. But the broader story — beyond the 280 characters that Twitter allows — is that something bigger is happening in the world oil […]

Why a trade war can't be won

Mar 30, 2018
..and why so many countries stand to lose.

BMW brought jobs to South Carolina. Now tariffs are causing concern.

Mar 9, 2018
President Trump is shooting the American taxpayer in the foot, says Spartanburg County Councilman David Britt.
Inside Assembly North at BMW's Spartanburg manufacturing facility, the biggest BMW factory in the world.
Bridget Bodnar/Marketplace

How Donald Trump could be eligible for a Social Security bonus

Mar 2, 2018
There are some ... idiosyncrasies in the Social Security system.
Blank Social Security checks are run through a printer at the U.S. Treasury printing facility Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
William Thomas Cain/ Getty Images

What limiting legal immigration would do to our economy

Jan 29, 2018
Fewer immigrants means fewer people in the workforce.
Immigrants prepare to become American citizens at a naturalization service on Jan. 22 in Newark, New Jersey.
John Moore/Getty Images

Whose economy is it anyway?

Jan 29, 2018
Booming stock markets and low unemployment aren't paying off for everyone

Reducing legal immigration means hiring challenges for some companies

Jan 22, 2018
President Donald Trump has backed proposals to cut legal immigration by up to half. For companies that employ many immigrants, that could mean it will be harder for them to find workers to fill jobs, especially as the economy nears full employment.  Click the audio player above to hear the full story. 

For public good, not for profit.

With tax out of the way, trade will be on Trump’s January agenda

Jan 4, 2018
With a sweeping tax overhaul out of the way, trade could be the next big item on President Donald Trump’s agenda. In the next few weeks, he’ll be making decisions about protecting U.S. industries from global competition. But he’s facing pressure from those who say tariffs will only hurt the U.S. economy.  Click the audio […]

Trump trying to fill Pentagon posts

Jan 2, 2018
This week, the Senate is set to vote on President Donald Trump’s nominee for Under Secretary of Defense for Policy. But like many of Trump’s picks, John Rood is a controversial nominee.  Click the audio player above to hear the full story. 

As President Trump turns to infrastructure, which projects will be funded?

Dec 27, 2017
Likely next up for President Trump’s new year agenda is tackling America’s infrastructure. But can lawmakers pull it together to fund improvements to our public works? And what exactly will be funded?  Click the audio player above to hear the full story.