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Spending money on kids' sports: Worth it or not?

May 21, 2014
You don't have to spend a lot to help your kids enjoy and succeed in sports.

The earliest of adopters

Oct 28, 2013
Toddlers are spending more time in front of mobile devices, and media companies are drooling over the possibilities of cashing in on the tiniest viewers.

Should parents play NSA to their children's online activities?

Aug 14, 2013
Parents want to make sure their children are safe when using the internet, but at what point does monitoring your kids become needless spying?

Many Americans still think moms shouldn't work

Mar 14, 2013
Working moms want to work more -- at least in part because they need to in this economy. At the same time, the number of Americans who think moms shouldn’t work full-time (or at all) is still surprisingly high. The Pew Research Center just released its report on modern parenthood.

Turn that thing off! Setting rules for family tech use

Feb 22, 2013
How do you spend time with family without electronics getting in the way?

Rules to live by...on your smartphone

Jan 3, 2013
Talking to the mom who gave her teenage son an 18-point contract along with his new iPhone, with guidelines like 'don't use it to deceive others.'

Teaching a hard-work ethic

Jul 27, 2012
Some people are born to be hard workers. For the rest of us, don't worry -- a good work ethic can be learned.

For public good, not for profit.

Rock, paper, income: The life of a stay-at-home dad

Jun 15, 2012
Stay-at-home dad Kenny Messer on the challenges and rewards of being home with the kids.
Stay-at-home dad Kenny Messer on the challenges and rewards of being home with the kids.
Kenny Messer

Taking your kids to work

May 4, 2012
Take Your Daughters and Sons to Work Day has evolved since it was first started -- for daughters only -- 20 years ago.