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Netflix offers $100,000 prize in cloud competition

Mar 15, 2013
Netflix is waving around $100,000 dollars in prize money for people with the best ideas to tune up and improve Netflix's data cloud. Netflix cloud systems director of architecture Alex Cockcroft joins Marketplace Tech host David Brancaccio to talk through the challenges of managing the company's remote data.

Is fear a financial motivator?

Dec 12, 2012
Seems like every time you turn on the news, there's some new danger to our health or our financial well-being.

Innovation funding gets the ax

May 18, 2012
The Technology Innovation Program helped fund a lot of innovations, but now the program has been eliminated.

Japan: Over the hill?

Apr 30, 2012
Amid cries of a "lost decade" and economic stagnation, the real Japan looks and feels much different.

China is not about to eat America's lunch

Apr 16, 2012
Commentator Vijay Vaitheeswaran says America's culture of creativity and innovation beats out China's state-run capitalism.

Closing the gender gap in patent filing

Mar 22, 2012
Freakonomics' Stephen Dubner on one scientifically-proven way that helps women embrace risk.

Generation #DigitalDisruptor

Nov 5, 2011
Over the past 30 years, digital technologies have up-ended all corners of business and industry, making some obsolete and inventing new ones all together. Here's the view from those of us who grew up digital.

For public good, not for profit.

Is that game worth watching?

Oct 7, 2010
This final note today. A true story: I was on my way home last night, listening to my public radio station, when the local All Things Considered...

The iPad 3G can't send text messages except yes it can.

May 3, 2010
Two criticisms I heard about the iPad were that you couldn't monkey around with it and develop your own software and that you can't send text...

The battle over patents

Mar 9, 2009
Tomorrow, the Senate Judiciary committee holds a hearing on patent reform. The weeds are tall on this one. If you're not a lawyer, and I'm not,...