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What score do rating agencies get?

Aug 15, 2007
There are lots of bogeymen in the subprime crisis -- lenders, brokers, investors, even homeowners. And here's another one: credit rating agencies. Kim Clark of U.S. News and World Report explains their role.
Foreclosure sign
Getty Images

Let's just call them garbage mortgages

Aug 13, 2007
Allan Sloan says subprime is too nice a word for the high-risk mortgages that were bundled then sliced and diced and served up to investors. He says maybe they'd have thought twice before buying into garbage mortgages... or maybe not.

How did we get here?

Aug 10, 2007
With markets and investors in something of a state of panic, we turn to industry insiders King Penniman and Bill O'Grady to explain what's happening and who's ultimately responsible for this mess.

Betting against subprime lenders

Aug 9, 2007
Some people have been "shorting" the companies that created and financed the subprime mortgage debacle. Steve Tripoli has been asking whether there's still time for a profitable bet against the architects of subprime.

Bush not pumped about gas tax

Aug 9, 2007
At a news conference, President Bush made it clear what he thinks of a higher gas tax to fix the nation's infrastructure. He also fielded a larger-than-usual array of questions about the state of the U.S. economy.

Bear hit raises fears of debt crisis

Aug 3, 2007
Wall Street is hoping the subprime mortgage crisis won't spread. But Bear Sterns' debt rating got downrated today, and some economists aren't sure the problem has been contained. Steve Henn reports.

A foreclosure storm on the horizon?

Aug 3, 2007
The announcement that American Home Mortgage will drastically cut operations and lay off 7,000 may be just the beginning of a crisis in the U.S. lending market. Steve Henn reports on how deep the problem goes.

For public good, not for profit.

Peace propels property values in N. Ireland

Aug 2, 2007
After decades of violence, Northern Ireland's Catholic and Protestant parties finally signed a peace deal in 1998. The changes since haven't been just political. The region is also experiencing an unprecedented housing boom. Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

Florida beginning to insure itself

Aug 1, 2007
Florida was already in the middle of its most intense hurricane season when Katrina hit. When private insurers backed away from the state's market, government-backed insurance stepped in. Dan Grech reports.

Recession on the horizon?

Jul 31, 2007
As credit tightens in the wake of the subprime lending crisis, some analysts warn that it could impact lending in other areas. And that's one more risk factor on the recession pile. Steve Tripoli reports.