Stories Tagged as
Hospitality industry
UK government aids battered hospitality businesses, but is it enough?
Dec 30, 2021
Hotels, restaurants, pubs and clubs suffered in December, normally a strong season, due to the pandemic and may need more help.
When restaurant and hospitality workers quit, where are they going?
Oct 14, 2021
Unemployment figures suggest they are leaving those industries.
Unions are gaining momentum at restaurants. They've been here before.
Sep 28, 2021
Unions for food and drink workers go back to 1891. But they lost their seat at the table with the growth of restaurant chains and fast food.
Did hiring pick up after states ended extra federal unemployment benefits?
Jul 22, 2021
What business owners are seeing, plus a look at unemployment and job search data.
Hiring is one thing, but training workers is another challenge for companies
Jun 24, 2021
The struggle isn't over once companies get past the hiring hurdle.
How the hospitality industry is trying to lure workers
May 31, 2021
Many are offering bonuses. Some are pounding the streets for leads. And potential employees suggest being nicer to workers.
Restaurants in Texas are finding it hard to attract staff
Andy Uhler
May 7, 2021
Restaurants across the state are in fierce competition for workers — most of whom, post-COVID-19, want safer and better-paying jobs.
For public good, not for profit.
Could Britain eat its way out of the COVID-19 economic crisis?
Aug 21, 2020
Thanks to a government-funded program, the country's restaurants are coming back from the brink.
Airbnb begins process to go public
David Brancaccio
, Rose Conlon
and Erika Soderstrom
Aug 20, 2020
The company is using provisions of a 2012 law to keep its inner workings secret for now.
Hotels, among the first businesses hit by COVID-19, are still less than half full
Jul 31, 2020
In the peak summer season, hotels are usually at least 80% full.