The cost of preventing the spread of HIV? Upwards of $1,600 a month

Feb 5, 2019
President Trump is expected to call for an end to HIV transmission by 2030. The drug known as PrEP may be key.
AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) and AIDS patients march to protest budget cuts to AIDS services proposed by California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger on June 5, 2009 in Hollywood, California. 
David McNew/Getty Images

Want to know the true price of a hospital procedure?

Jan 4, 2019
A new system can help you find out.
A doctor holds a stethoscope on September 5, 2012.
Adam Berry/Getty Images

Popular with voters, more conservative states push for Medicaid expansion

Dec 10, 2018
One of the big winners in November’s midterm election was public health insurance coverage – specifically expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act.
A man casts his midterm ballot on Nov. 6, 2018 at Briles Schoolhouse in Peoria Township, Kansas.
Whitney Curtis / Getty Images

Study links air pollution to early death

Nov 19, 2018
A new report ranks air pollution as the greatest threat to human life, above war and disease.
A Chinese man wears a mask as he waits to cross the road near the CCTV building during heavy smog on November 29, 2014 in Beijing, China. 
Kevin Frayer/Getty Images

FDA warns e-cigarette manufacturers about teen use

Sep 12, 2018
They warn the usage of e-cigarettes by teens has reached an epidemic proportion.
Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

Liver transplant centers begin to loosen rules for people with acute alcoholic hepatitis

Jul 2, 2018
Before considering surgery, U.S. transplant centers have required patients to stop drinking for six months. But more and more physicians are questioning this strict standard.
Christopher Furlong/Getty Images

Finding community at a rehabilitation hospital

Jun 22, 2018
Inside a stroke support group at Rancho Los Amigos Rehabilitation Center in Downey, California.

For public good, not for profit.

Got questions about disability in America? Here's your resource guide

Jun 22, 2018
A reading list from the informational to the literary.
[Image Description: A young woman lays on her back, holding up a book to read in the sunshine. She is wearing a light-colored shirt, blue jeans and a pair of sunglasses. In the foreground is a blurred out individual propped up on her elbows. They are sitting in a field of green grass, with small flowers growing around the area.]
Chris J Ratcliffe/Getty Images

Mind the gap: Navigating the transition from pediatric to adult health care

Jun 22, 2018
Getting the right health care once you outgrow your pediatrician can be tricky if you have a disability.
[Image description: A wide shot of a doctor’s office in San Francisco. On the left, a patient in a gown sits on an examination bed while the doctor checks her breathing with a stethoscope. The patient has short brown hair and is sitting with her hands clasped in her lap. On the right, there is a set of counters, with various medical equipment laid across the surface.]
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Senate to scrutinize hospitals on low-income patient profits and spending

Jun 19, 2018
This morning, a Senate committee checks in to see how the cuts to the so-called 340b program, which allows hospitals to buy drugs at a discount, are impacting hospitals and patients. Critics say there’s little evidence that hospitals used the savings to help patients. Click the audio player above to hear the full story.