Stories Tagged as
Where are the women candidates?
Ellen Rolfes
Oct 1, 2024
Women are more than half the population, and underrepresented at every level of government. To fix this, more women need to run for office.
Let's do the numbers on women in politics
Ellen Rolfes
Sep 24, 2024
Beyond the intrinsic value of gender parity in politics, there's evidence that getting more women elected and politically active makes good economic sense too. Let's do the numbers.
How trailblazing women fought for a place on Wall Street
David Brancaccio
and Ariana Rosas
Sep 12, 2024
The new book "She-Wolves: The Untold History of Women on Wall Street" chronicles the barriers women had to break down to become part of major financial institutions.
What if teens ran the government?
Ellen Rolfes
Sep 10, 2024
In "Boys State" and "Girls State," young politicos simulate democracy during a weeklong camp.
In 2023, women's gains in corporate C-suites were reversed
Apr 4, 2024
Women, including CEOs, are sometimes hit harder by unfavorable economic conditions.
To narrow the gender gap in boardrooms, Poker Power asks girls to ante up
Kai Ryssdal
and Sarah Leeson
Aug 23, 2023
"Stereotypically, poker is a boys' club. It's booze, it's betting, it's a smoky basement. It's all the places that women don't feel comfortable. And that's what we're trying to shift," said Erin Lydon, president of Poker Power.
Barbie's Dreamhouse paints a picture of America's housing history
Kai Ryssdal
and Sarah Leeson
Jun 29, 2023
From the bachelorette pad of the 1960s to today's pink mansion, the Dreamhouse's evolution shows the politics and trends of American life.
For public good, not for profit.
Before the glass ceiling, women face "broken rung" on corporate ladder
Rose Conlon
and Sabri Ben-Achour
Oct 15, 2019
For every 100 men, only 72 women are promoted to manager positions.
Automation's gender divide
Jun 5, 2019
While both men and women have essentially the same odds of automation taking their jobs, women could face a tougher transition to new jobs.
Identity and economic choice
Kai Ryssdal
and Liz Sanchez
May 8, 2019
How gender identity affects the way we think about the economy.