Stories Tagged as
Why don't we like to talk about our pay?
Apr 8, 2014
An executive order will make it easier for federal contractors to discuss pay
The best and worst states on closing the gender pay gap
Adriene Hill
Apr 7, 2014
Wyoming has the biggest gap in pay between women and men
Bringing more women into the startup ecosystem
Molly Wood
Mar 25, 2014
The most recent class of Y Combinator participants is 24% women
Is it getting easier to show emotions at work?
Feb 21, 2014
Traditional research shows women in particular receive negative judgement when they emote.
Why women don't roar at work
Jan 31, 2014
A new study out of Montana State University sheds some light on one reason why women are not treated or compensated as well as men on the job.
Women stay in jobs longer than they should
Jul 17, 2013
Women can feel more loyalty to companies, and more guilt when they leave. But staying with one job for too long could cost you a lot of money.
For public good, not for profit.
Why is it more expensive to be a woman?
Apr 13, 2012
Women's pay may be on the rise, but when it comes to things like health insurance, haircuts, dry cleaning, and deodorant -- women pay more than men. A university study looks into the potential factors behind the price difference.