A second home in Ireland is a "special place" to host friends for this Wisconsin woman

May 24, 2024
"I invite people to stay there with me when I'm there," said Aileen Smith about her second home in Tramore, Ireland. "I never get tired of having guests. It's fun every single time."

What's up, Europe? The expat's Thanksgiving edition

Nov 22, 2012
Americans may be stuffing themselves with turkey on Thanksgiving, but what about Americans on the other side of the pond?

What's up, Europe? Checking in with U.K. ex-pats

Sep 3, 2012
Two ex-pats living in the U.K. discuss the jobs picture abroad.

Santa Monica business hurt by British expats departing

Jul 20, 2012
The Los Angeles suburb of Santa Monica is sometimes called "Little Britain." That's because of the number of British expats living there. But "Little Britain" is changing.
An afternoon tea party laid out by revelers on the The Mall as thousands gather for The Diamond Jubilee Concert on June 4, 2012 in London, England.
Christopher Furlong/Getty Images

What's up, Europe? Ex-pats in the U.K.

Jul 4, 2012
For Americans abroad, this 4th of July is spent talking about Barclays and David Beckham -- all while knocking back a few at the pub.

Moscow may be difficult for U.S. expats

Jul 24, 2008
The consulting firm Mercer reports the cost of compensating expats has jumped by nearly 20 percent in the past 12 months, thanks to a weaker U.S....