Strapped community colleges to receive additional $198 million in aid from Biden administration

Jan 20, 2022
Enrollment plummeted during the pandemic, which drove many would-be students to choose work – if they could find it – over their studies.
The money from the Biden administration could help students with things like child care or emergency expenses.
Brian A. Jackson/Getty Images

Community college support left out of Biden's plan

Nov 1, 2021
A nationwide tuition waiver is among the policies that’s been cut from the Build Back Better Act.
Community colleges have been seeing drops in enrollment for two years.
Getty Images

Community colleges hit hard by the pandemic

Jan 25, 2021
The steep decline in enrollment during the past academic year could affect the budgets of these schools for years to come.
Steep declines in both enrollment numbers and state budgets are hurting community colleges.
Mike Coppola/Getty Images

Why fewer adults enrolled in community colleges this fall

Dec 25, 2020
With K-12 students going virtual, parents have had less time to focus on their own educations
This fall, with the pandemic, community college enrollment is down nearly 10% nationwide, according to the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center.
FatCamera via Getty Images

Community college tries fixing roadblocks to completion

Jun 15, 2017
California school makes its remedial classes shorter and more relevant.
Janelle Yanez, 27, is in an accelerated composition class at Mt. San Antonio College.
Amy Scott/Marketplace

Shooting No. 294

Oct 1, 2015
10 people have died in a shooting at Umpqua Community College.

A $10,560 bachelor's degree?

Aug 22, 2014
Community colleges are getting into the business of awarding BA degrees.

For public good, not for profit.

Tennessee Promise to make state's community colleges free

Feb 6, 2014
The announcement from the state's governor is part of a broader workforce development strategy. And similar moves have worked before.

Community colleges face retirement crisis

Jun 24, 2013
40 percent of community college presidents are expected to retire in the next five years.

Michigan residents seek new path to the middle class

Dec 19, 2012
Community college replaces unionized auto factories as landmarks of economic mobility in Flint, Mich.