America's tallest structure would generate power

Mar 29, 2013
A Maryland energy company wants to build the world's third-tallest structure to generate downdraft power in the Arizona desert.

GE's CTO Mark Little on tech leaps in 2013, and 2012's Christmas Netflix outage

Dec 27, 2012
General Electric's chief technology officer Mark Little talks about leaps forward in energy efficiency in the new year, and we breathe a sigh of relief after a brief Netflix outage.

Breaking down Obama's '$90 billion' green investment

Oct 4, 2012
In last night's debate, Mitt Romney said the president gave $90 billion to the green energy world. That $90 billion number? That's right, sort of.

Delay in EPA gas rules may hurt cars

Mar 20, 2012
A reported delay in cleaner fuels could harm the new engines designed to burn it.

MID-DAY UPDATE: Scandal at Hewlett-Packard...

Aug 9, 2010
... Where does the company go from here? Microsoft's "