Are Republicans softening on carbon taxes?

Sep 12, 2018
A few GOP lawmakers are bucking the party line by backing a tax on CO2 emissions.
The smoke stacks at American Electric Power's Mountaineer coal power plant in New Haven, West Virginia, in 2009.
SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images

When a big carbon emitter is the main economic driver in town

Jul 20, 2017
For local residents, the Miller power plant is the economic center of the city.
The James H. Miller Jr. Electric Generating Plant is a massive coal-fired plant that also is the nation’s top emitter of greenhouse gases.
Gigi Douban/for Marketplace

U.S. halts new coal leases to reprice for carbon

Jan 15, 2016
Lease prices for federal coal lands are below market value, and don't factor in any cost for the carbon pollution coal causes

A city earns revenue from not cutting its timberland

Nov 12, 2015
A trust selling carbon credits pays Astoria, Oregon, to harvest less timber.

Texas has its own supply of cheap — and dirty — coal

Aug 6, 2015
About a third of the state's electricity comes from burning lower-quality lignite.

EPA's carbon rules are catching up with the market

Aug 3, 2015
The rules limiting carbon emissions will speed utilities' movement away from coal as a fuel.

Your electric car may be a carbon polluter

Aug 3, 2015
Some electric cars may cause more carbon pollution than a standard gasoline engine.

For public good, not for profit.

Pope Francis: climate, economics, and values

Jun 18, 2015
The pope offers a moral interpretation of the global economy.

The elements: Carbon's all around

Jan 21, 2014
Carbon is the ultimate bonder but in some forms, it can be dangerous. Carbon Monoxide can poison you. Carbon Dioxide is blamed by some for global warming.