Stories Tagged as
Carbon offsets
There isn't enough space for all of the trees companies want to plant
Nov 8, 2021
By one estimate, the pledges out there already would require a forest five times the size of India.
Emissions offsets ease travel guilt, but do they reduce carbon footprints?
Aug 17, 2021
The voluntary carbon offsets market is unregulated, with no standard pricing. And offsets may not deliver what they promise.
Delta wants to be the first carbon neutral global airline
Feb 14, 2020
Cleaner jet fuels and electric planes are still decades away, meaning Delta is focusing on carbon offsets.
As climate change looms, a booming market for carbon offsets
Sep 13, 2019
The carbon offset market is growing fast.
One Texas non-profit's idea to help curb climate change
Apr 1, 2019
Landowners would pay to “store” carbon.
My annual offset disappointment
Jan 4, 2010
In the last week of the year, I have a ritual of calculating my carbon footprint and buying offsets....