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My Nick Jr. personalizes TV -- and it smells like Netflix

Jan 15, 2014
Viacom’s new My Nick Jr. lets parents program a channel – an attempt to hold more viewers on television.

CBS and Time Warner reach an agreement and end the blackout

Sep 3, 2013
After a negotiation that involved everything short of biting and scratching, CBS and Time Warner cable have reached a deal, which means a CBS blackout for three million cable customers has ended.

Why you're not getting CBS in N.Y., L.A. tonight

Jul 30, 2013
CBS was blacked-out for a moment on the TVs of some Time Warner Cable subscribers as the network and cable provider continue their battle over carriage fees.

Cable companies lose TV subscribers, but rake in more cash

May 28, 2013
While cable companies seem to get more competition from the likes of Netflix all the time, they're still better than ever at bringing in cash -- and the most recent earnings from big cable providers prove it.

Judging the value of CES, and network battles in the digital age

Jan 8, 2013
International CES was created a generation ago...is it still relevant in the digital age? Meanwhile, the battles over television content continue. HBO Go battles Netflix by inking a deal with Universal, while Time Warner makes a deal with Roku.

The future of TV: A pay-per-network model?

Nov 9, 2012
Can you imagine a future where you pay only for the TV channels you actually watch?
Can you imagine a future where you pay only for the cable channels you actually watch?

Sunday is the night to be for an Emmy nod

Sep 21, 2012
Boardwalk Empire, Game of Thrones, Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Homeland and Downton Abbey -- what do they all have in common? All of them are on Sundays, all of them are up for Emmys -- and none of them air on a major network.

For public good, not for profit.

In Kansas City, competition for faster Internet service

Sep 6, 2012
Google picked Kansas City to be the test market for its super fast Internet service. Now neighborhoods are competing with one another to see who will get the service first.

Comedy giant Walter Latham on why YouTube is the future

Aug 15, 2012
The comedy mogul who created "The Original Kings of Comedy" was recently one of four African Americans selected to partner with YouTube. He said his plan is to become the "better version of BET...but for the web."

Viacom reaches deal with DirecTV

Jul 20, 2012
Jon Stewart, Spongebob and Jersey Shore are back on for DirectTV subscribers. Viacom had blacked out Comedy Central, Nickelodeon and 16 other channels during a contract dispute. So who lost, and who won?