Demand for German bonds remains strong

Jan 4, 2012
The hard economic times in Europe have actually been a good thing for Germany, which can still borrow at low rates and benefit in export markets.

How junk bonds are like junk yards

Jan 3, 2012
Marketplace's Paddy Hirsch explains why high-yield bonds are just as risky as used auto parts.
Junk cars are seen stacked at Deal Auto Wrecking July 31, 2009 in Richmond, Calif. Many investors hope their junk bonds are worth a bit more in the coming year.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Italian bond sale, Iranian threat impacting markets

Dec 28, 2011
Iran has repeated its threat to block the Straight of Hormuz where about a-fifth of the world's oil passes through. In Italy today, investors seemed happy to buy up the country's debt.

A coming credit crunch?

Dec 27, 2011
We talk a lot about the stock market, but the real lifeblood of U.S. companies is the corporate bond market, which is twice as large.

The feel good factor

Dec 20, 2011
A surprisingly successful Spanish bond sale and news of an increase in new home construction spurred markets to rally today.

What is a junk bond?

Dec 16, 2011
Junk. Not a nice word. And when it comes to bonds, not a particularly accurate word, either. Junk is something useless, right? Well, "junk" bonds are definitely not useless. In fact they're extremely useful. Sometimes. Marketplace Senior Producer Paddy Hirsch explains what a junk bond really is.
This is Paddy Hirsch, again
Bob Moon/Marketplace

Thinking about tax-exempt bonds

Dec 16, 2011
My wife and I are in our early 60s, with a son in college. We have Roths and 401(k)s. I will get a pension from the state of North Carolina when I retire in a few years -- not so for my wife. What I need to know is: Is there a reason not to put so much of our savings in munis? (I would take the money out of some of our mutual funds.) I would not get munis from states with problematic economies; I would most likely get them from N.C. Also, what is the best way to purchase tax-free munis? Thanks! Stephen, Durham, NC

For public good, not for profit.

Checking in on the Bond Market

Dec 15, 2011
Lots of not-so-terrible news was enough to put markets in positive territory today, but not by much. It gives us a chance to take a step back and talk about something different. Bonds.

Markets had European debt drama 'baked in'

Dec 9, 2011
European countries agree to a deal on balanced budgets and debt reduction. A unanimous vote wasn't reached, but the BBC's Andrew Walker says investors already had limited expectations.

Why the world cares about European bond sales

Nov 28, 2011
The normally prosaic process in which European governments borrow money has become a daily test of their economic health.
Fake 500 euro banknotes are placed by Pole Emploi Strikers on the gates outside the Paris Stock Exchange on Nov. 14, 2011 in Paris, France.
Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images