50 years ago, it was legal to deny a woman credit without a male co-signer

Oct 21, 2024
The 1974 Equal Credit Opportunity Act made it illegal to discriminate against applicants based on sex or marital status.
While laws have addressed the most overt biases, other forms of discrimination exist, like predatory lending and algorithms that amplify human biases, says Jennifer Chien of Consumer Reports.
LPETTET/Getty Images

Nearly 1 in 4 Black borrowers are denied a mortgage

Jun 19, 2024
Comparatively, 1 in 10 white borrowers are turned away.
Racial disparities in the mortgage market persist.
Getty Images

New NYC law restricts hiring based on artificial intelligence

Dec 10, 2021
Employers won’t be allowed to use AI to screen job candidates unless the tech has gone through an audit to check for bias.
New York City follows Maryland and Illinois in implementing laws to curb algorithmic discrimination in hiring.
Spencer Platt via Getty Images

“Wherever you look at human judgements, you are likely to find noise”

In a new book, Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman looks at a problem with human judgement.
Human judgements can be noisy. In a new book, Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman discusses strategies to reduce noise in organizations.
General Photographic Agency/Getty Images

Perhaps Congress took "The Wizard of Oz" a bit too seriously

Dec 11, 2018
At the House Judiciary Committee hearing with Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai, Rep. Zoe Lofgren from California had to ask for clarification that Google’s Search algorithm is not a “little man sitting behind the curtain figuring out what [Google is] going to show.” She wasn’t the only one that was confused by how Google works. On […]

How women landed the invisible work of social media labor

Jun 1, 2018
It can start with the language used in job descriptions.
Photo by Chris Hondros/Getty Images

What's the return on investment for bias trainings?

May 25, 2018
We look into how bias trainings work and how companies measure their effectiveness.

For public good, not for profit.

Why facial recognition software has trouble recognizing people of color

"Data reflects our history, and our history has been very biased to date," MIT researcher Joy Buolamwini says.
Passersby walk under a surveillance camera that is part of a facial recognition technology test at Berlin's Suedkreuz train station in 2017.
Steffi Loos/Getty Images

Companies use ads to pitch issues over products

Aug 8, 2017
Tackling social problems in campaigns can be tricky. Just ask Pepsi.
Procter and Gamble's "The Talk."
Proctor & Gamble ad screen shot

Full interview: ProPublica's Julia Angwin on biased sentencing algorithms

May 25, 2016
Looking at the racial bias of algorithms.
An algorithm created by the for-profit company Northpointe to predict future crime was only 61 percent accurate, according to a ProPublica analysis.