Marketplace for Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Jul 16, 2008

Marketplace for Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Segments From this episode

Programming for hearts and minds

Jul 16, 2008
Showtime CEO Matt Blank talks about the network's chances in the new television landscape and life as part of the broadcast giant CBS.

Fed dilemma: Raise or lower rates?

Jul 16, 2008
Today's report that inflation at the consumer level shot up more than 1% last month, due mostly to skyrocketing energy prices, puts the Federal Reserve in a tough spot. Jeff Tyler explains.

Wall Street not big on short-selling rule

Jul 16, 2008
The SEC decision to crack down on an especially risky variety of short-selling -- naked shorting -- has prompted a big debate on Wall Street about how much shorting, naked or otherwise, ought to be allowed. Alisa Roth reports.

Dems' new ally in Congress: GOP

Jul 16, 2008
Republican lawmakers have helped override a presidential veto on Medicare, and they've called for more time to consider the Treasury Department's plan to help Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Nancy Marshall Genzer reports on the GOP rebelliousness.

Nigeria a valued but risky oil source

Jul 16, 2008
In his continuing series of interviews on oil prices, host Kai Ryssdal talks with Fareed Mohamedi of PFC Energy about how Nigeria's production of about 2 million barrels of crude a day affects what we pay at the gas pump.

We need to build new safety nets

Jul 16, 2008
Commentator Robert Reich says "The Great Moderation" of the last two decades led Americans to think we didn't need much by way of social insurance. But now, he says, a radical economic swing is back and we should react to it.

Leadership PACs key to political funding

Jul 16, 2008
Most political candidates now fund their campaigns through what are called "leadership political action committees." In the first part of a special series, Steve Henn explains how those PACs work in the presidential election.