Nahhhh. With the holidays right around the corner, and ads inundating our collective consciousness, we try to figure out why deals are everywhere. But first, the British pound has fallen nearly 2 percent against the dollar amid shaky Brexit negotiations. What exactly are the markets trying to tell us? Then: a story about the state of temporary work in the years before and after the Great Recession. Also, one journalist (and mother) on how history, the economy and race have shaped American motherhood.
Nahhhh. With the holidays right around the corner, and ads inundating our collective consciousness, we try to figure out why deals are everywhere. But first, the British pound has fallen nearly 2 percent against the dollar amid shaky Brexit negotiations. What exactly are the markets trying to tell us? Then: a story about the state of temporary work in the years before and after the Great Recession. Also, one journalist (and mother) on how history, the economy and race have shaped American motherhood.