06/13/2017: Can the Senate rework 18 percent of the economy in three weeks?
Jun 13, 2017

06/13/2017: Can the Senate rework 18 percent of the economy in three weeks?


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has said he wants a vote on Republicans' health care bill before Congress leaves town for the July 4 recess. That gives the Senate 13 working days to vote on 17.8 percent of the American economy without, so far, any public hearings. We'll take stock of where that's at. Then: A new Bloomberg investigation found Russia's digital intrusion into the U.S. election was more widespread than we thought. We'll talk about the latest. Plus, two local news stories that get at interesting questions: Why can't the Yankees sell tickets and why do Southern California doughnuts come in pink boxes?

Segments From this episode

Mushroom farmers dependent on immigrant labor fear worker shortage

Jun 13, 2017
Growers say fears of immigration enforcement under Trump may already be hitting their bottom line.
A bed of white agaricus mushrooms, commonly known as button mushrooms, at Pietro Industries in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania.
Laura Benshoff

Why the health reform bill is also a tax bill

Jun 13, 2017
Behind closed doors, Republican senators are pushing to get their health care bill written, with a July 4 goal for completion. While they’re at it, they may be trying to get a smidge of tax reform done at the same time.  Click the audio player above to hear the full story.

Pink boxes: the unsung icon of LA's doughnut scene

Jun 13, 2017
The containers were popularized by Cambodian immigrants in the 1970s.
“Good things come in pink boxes.”

Goldman Sachs invests in wind power and will help other big brands meet their green goals

Jun 13, 2017
Just after President Trump pulled the United States out of the Paris agreement, Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein tweeted his displeasure. Now, the blue-blood bank is going green in another way with a big move into wind and solar energy. Not just buying it, but pairing other buyers and sellers in the emerging market of […]

Russian election interference is more widespread than thought, Bloomberg reports

Jun 13, 2017
While they didn't 'pull the trigger,' Russian hackers hit systems in 39 states.
Sean Rayford/Getty Images

The team is hot, but Yankee ticket sales are not

Jun 15, 2017
Fewer people are saying 'take me out to the ballpark.' At least, the ballpark in the Bronx.
Tickets at the new Yankee Stadium are more than $50. Above, Aaron Judge walks off the field after he grounded out to end the game against the Chicago White Sox in April.
Elsa/Getty Images

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has said he wants a vote on Republicans’ health care bill before Congress leaves town for the July 4 recess. That gives the Senate 13 working days to vote on 17.8 percent of the American economy without, so far, any public hearings. We’ll take stock of where that’s at. Then: A new Bloomberg investigation found Russia’s digital intrusion into the U.S. election was more widespread than we thought. We’ll talk about the latest. Plus, two local news stories that get at interesting questions: Why can’t the Yankees sell tickets and why do Southern California doughnuts come in pink boxes?

Music from the episode

Alfa Beach Com Truise
Hate It Or Love It The Game, 50 Cent
Star Roving Slowdive
Saxy Beast Wuh Oh
J-Boy Phoenix