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From This Collection

Murdoch to launch news service for iPad

Aug 13, 2010
Media mogul Rupert Murdoch finds the iPad such a promising business he's launching a newspaper that will only be accessible through the device.

Developers still appreciate apps, despite complaints

Jun 3, 2010
Apps will be the focal point of Apple's World Wide Developers conference this Monday, and some developers are struggling with the technology.

Kobo not great e-Book competition for iPad

Jun 1, 2010
Apple's ubiquitous iPad may cut into sales of the new Borders e-Book reader.

iPad released to enthused buyers in U.K., Japan

May 28, 2010
The iPad makes a much-anticipated debut to customers overseas.

Gap app taps into mobile marketing

May 27, 2010
Retailers are trying to figure out how to transform mobile marketing power into bigger sales. Steve Henn reports on one retailer who is diving in.

iPad users complain about Wi-Fi

Apr 8, 2010
Sorry early adopters, some iPad users are reporting their devices can't connect or stay connected to the Internet. Why don't companies catch big glitches like these? Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.
A man plays with his Apple iPad in San Francisco, Calif.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Malls prepare for iPad debut

Apr 2, 2010
Malls are preparing for a big weekend, but the crowds won't be coming for the Easter holiday -- they're coming for the new Apple iPad. Sally Herships reports.

For public good, not for profit.

Content makers see money in iPad apps

Mar 30, 2010
The iPad has been widely hailed as just the thing to convince people to pay for online print media. Newspapers and magazines are showing high interest in developing apps. And Rico Gagliano tells us who else is getting involved.

Don't wait to buy that iPad

Mar 29, 2010
There are some products you should hold off on buying early because a cheaper version is always around the corner. But commentator Farhad Manjoo says even though Apple's iPad is untested, there's no reason to delay buying one.

iPad ads may give publications a boost

Mar 25, 2010
The iPad will soon go on sale, and newspapers and magazines have been selling ads for the sleek little gadget like it's 1999. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.
A man plays with the Apple iPad during an Apple Special Event at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco, Calif.
Ryan Anson/AFP/Getty Images