Britain's welfare crackdown draws criticism, praise

Jul 25, 2013
Welfare payments account for a third of Britain's public spending. Now, radical cuts in welfare spending are drawing impassioned reactions among both critics and supporters.

Welfare caseworkers head to the factory

Jul 22, 2013
A factory in Michigan actually pays the state government to bring a public caseworker to the company to help its low-income workers.

What does 'welfare' mean to you?

Apr 24, 2013
'Welfare' used to simply mean 'well-being'. These days it often has negative connotations and multiple meanings.

Britain's new 'Bedroom Tax' is not what you'd think

Apr 1, 2013
The U.K. revealed the biggest overhaul to its welfare system in a generation. One major cut will be to crackdown on people who live in large houses but collect welfare payments.

Pretending to be poor can change your perspective

Oct 4, 2012
Poverty simulation exercises confront participants with empty wallets, tough choices, and a better understanding of low-income people.

PODCAST: Bernanke speaks, India's economy hits the breaks

Aug 31, 2012
The big news of the day is Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke's much-anticipated speech at Jackson Hole. Also, we fact-check a misleading campaign ad about welfare.

Did Obama weaken the welfare work requirement?

Aug 31, 2012
The GOP charges that the Obama administration has weakened the work requirement that was a key part of the 1996 Welfare Reform Act.

For public good, not for profit.

A decent life, according to the German government

Sep 30, 2010
As Oktoberfest approaches, the German labor department, announced that beer -- a fixture of German society -- is not necessary for living. The...