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A summer resort adjusts to new vacation rhythm

Aug 7, 2012
Lake Arrowhead was developed nearly a century ago as a mountain summer resort for Southern Californians. The activities are the same, but how and when vacationers come to the resort has changed.

Frugal travels

Aug 3, 2012
Meg Favreau of Wisebread.com shares tips on how to travel well without emptying your wallet.

The joys of unplugging

Aug 3, 2012
Writer Jen Miller used to dread being away from her e-mail inbox. But after taking a real vacation, her attitude about unplugging has changed.

Are Americans overworked?

Jul 27, 2012
Europeans get a minimum of three weeks of paid vacation, but many Americans get none. While Americans may work more, it doesn't necessarily mean they're being more productive.

It's summertime -- but less than it used to be

Jul 18, 2012
It's the heart of summer, and beaches are crowded. But school schedules, worries about work and even the weather are eating away at summer vacations.

Europeans get vacation 'do-over'

Jul 6, 2012
In Europe, high courts have upheld workers' right to reclaim vacation days marred by illness or injury.

More capacity, more extra fees lift cruise industry

Jun 22, 2012
The cruise business is emerging from the down economy thanks to lower fuel prices, bigger boats and more fees for perks like alcohol and excursions.

For public good, not for profit.

National parks brace for record crowds

Apr 20, 2012
Yosemite ranger Kari Cobb talks about how the national parks are preparing for their upcoming week of free admission.

Switzerland agrees to cap vacation days

Mar 13, 2012
In a national vote, the Swiss just decided against making employers give all workers an extra two weeks of paid vacation every year.

Americans and the vacation conundrum

Feb 15, 2012
American workers get the least amount of guaranteed paid holiday and vacation time compared to the rest of the world, and many don't even take their allotted time off, thanks to pressure from employers.