Free in-flight Facebook in February

Feb 1, 2011
Courtesy of the American Alliteration Association! Not really. Seven US carriers will let you get on Facebook for free this month. Virgin America,...

America turns to China for partnerships in green energy

Jan 18, 2011
American companies will meet with a visiting Chinese delegation to form new partnerships in clean energy. Eve Troeh explains that companies in the U.S. have a lot to learn from Chinese companies.

Google may face challenges on ITA purchase

Jan 14, 2011
Bloomberg is citing anonymous sources as saying that it's very possible the Justice Department will launch an anti-trust lawsuit against Google,...

GM goes big on electric cars

Jan 12, 2011
GM announced that it will introduce two new electric plug-in hybrid vehicles in the next few years based on the early success of the Volt. One of...

Paying for transportation with public-private partnerships

Jan 12, 2011
Congress has budget-cutting on its agenda, and funding for big transportation and infrastructure projects could be in danger. Some are advocating for public-private partnerships, where the private sector would play a major role in helping out.

Online airfare dispute deepens - Expedia drops American

Jan 3, 2011
Over the weekend, Expedia just dropped American. This is an escalation from the dispute as it stood last week, when Expedia was burying American...

New Yorkers debate over increasing number of bike lanes

Dec 30, 2010
Bikes are environmentally friendly -- given they're powered by your own energy -- but it's tough for traditionally auto-based cities to transition into a more bike-based one. Andrea Bernstein reports on the current bike lane debate going on in New York City.

For public good, not for profit.

Mass transit tax break could provide numerous benefits

Dec 15, 2010
The mass transit tax break would allow commuters to write off up to $230 per month for using public transportation like buses or van pools. And as David Gura reports, it could help out the economy in a lot of other ways too.

Microsoft joins complaint against Google

Dec 14, 2010
Google has been trying for several months now to acquire a software company called ITA, which makes a product that searches airline information for...

Wealthy countries agree to give poorer countries $100 billion

Dec 3, 2010
The pledge was made to help poorer nations to cope with the effects of climate change. But one fundraising idea -- taxing air travel and shipping -- may be challenging to implement.