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What Russian cheese can tell us about the trade deficit

Mar 10, 2017
The U.S. buys more from China, Mexico and Russia than it sells. Here's a closer look at those relationships.
Russian customers buy cheese in Saint Petersburg on August 7, 2014. 
David McNew/Getty Images

US trade deficit jumps to 5-year high of $48.5 billion

Mar 7, 2017
American exporters have struggled over the past couple of years because of a rising dollar.
The trade deficit jumped 9.6 percent to $48.5 billion last month, driven by a surge of imported mobile phones, oil and foreign cars.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

The U.S. trade deficit: is it as simple as Trump says?

Mar 28, 2016
Republican front runner says it's all about winners and losers. But is it?

So the trade deficit decreased. Is that good?

Nov 4, 2015
Not necessarily. Here's how the deficit reflects the full U.S. economy.

The trade deficit has widened to $41.9 billion

Jul 7, 2015
America tends to import more as the economy gets stronger.

Trade deficits aren't good or bad, just weird

Nov 5, 2014
The hidden side of trade deficits.
A waiter serves glasses of red wine at the counter of a bar in Paris.

MID-DAY UPDATE: China announces trade deficit, Eurozone debt crisis escalates

Mar 10, 2011
A surprise from China today -- the country said it bought more goods from around the world than it sold. It's called a trade deficit. And China...

For public good, not for profit.

iPhones flying off the shelves may not be so great for the U.S.

Dec 15, 2010
This final note today about the trade deficit. No, the numbers didn't come out today. That was a couple of weeks ago. But I saw an item in the Wall...

MIDDAY UPDATE: Elizabeth Warren, trade deficit, Kinect

Dec 10, 2010
Today we were joined by Elizabeth Warren, special advisor for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Warren has been tasked with serving as the...