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How NAFTA negotiations might affect the tequila business

Aug 15, 2017
Javier Martinez, CEO of Martinez Brands, said NAFTA negotiators need to be "firm" in discussions.
Patron Distillery employees put labels and check bottles of tequila during the process of production in Atotonilco, Jalisco State, Mexico.

What do your margarita and NAFTA have in common?

Mar 22, 2017
Virtually all tequila in this country comes from Mexico.
Virtually all the tequila in the United States comes from Mexico. Plans to renegotiate or withdraw from NAFTA are affecting business plans for tequila makers.
Daisy Palacios/Marketplace

Jose Cuervo to go public amid political uncertainties

Feb 8, 2017
The company has more than 25 percent of the U.S. tequila market.
Anna Webber/Getty Images for Jose Cuervo Tradicional

Ford and tequila — an unlikely paring

Jul 20, 2016
The auto company is teaming up with Jose Cuervo to make sustainable car parts
Ford wants to make parts from left over agave plants. 
Carl Court/Getty Images