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Twitter makes for better commodities trading

Sep 2, 2010
This final note today. Another in our continuing series of me getting my head around how Twitter can actually be useful sometimes. I saw an...

Become the mayor of your local STD clinic!

Aug 31, 2010
Overshare is reaching new heights with the latest from Foursquare, the phone app that let's you "check in" to places so friends (and strangers) can...

Pay with your phone, credit card rates going up

Aug 23, 2010
Critics say the rules to receive compensation through the $20 billion BP oil spill fund are unfair....

Browser add-on sounds alarm when Google is watching

Jul 28, 2010
Here's a little something we came across while surfing around the web this morning. It's an extension for your Internet browser called Google Ala...

Plug the BP oil spill! There's an app for that

Jul 19, 2010
Sure, the gusher in the Gulf is plugged, at least for now. But why don't you try your hand at saving the day? Enter the "Plug the BP Oil Spill!"...

Fashion in the time of recession

Jul 12, 2010
Frugal is the new black during the Great Recession, and that trend has dealt a harsh blow to the fashion industry. It is especially difficult fo...

For public good, not for profit.

A device to heighten the virtual experience

Apr 13, 2010
Japanese researchers have developed a new robotic device that allows users to "feel," by producing heartbeat patterns to evoke different emotions,...